14 April 2022

What rarifies my life?

 What are the things that make my life... well, my life? What rarifies it? What combination of experiences, feelings, and thoughts make it my own? 

While we all have some shared experiences with some people, and different ones with others, to the point of being able to clearly express our feelings and thoughts with memes, and movie references. What if it's the combination of the rarified ones, the ones we don't share with others, that make us, ourselves? Particularly the ones that are poignant or life changing? This has me thinking about what experiences are rarified in my own life... what if someone has similar ones, would we vibe?

So thinking rarified... what are those? Are they always something with less people involved? Or are they sometimes a lot of people, but just "off the beaten path"? Like sky-diving?


So for me... just what is rarified?


  • The heat coming off of the back end of a Chinook chopper as you board it at night for a flight to your base during a time of war.
  • Gaffing a pole in the middle of the night to restore service for customers.
  • Standing in a trench splicing a line.
  • The sound of incoming artillary or rockets.
  • The sound of an explosion from said incoming
  •  Pepper spray in the face as part of military training.
  • The summer heat and humidity in Nicaragua while driving truck across the poorly maintained roads there.
  • The smell of a cold diesel starting in the night.
  • The smell of an active airstrip during "shock and aue".
  • The feeling of sleeping in your jeep on the side of a mountain overnight, and hearing/ seeing a bull moose just outside.
  • Playing a videogame on your laptop when the incoming alarm sounds... 
  • DFAC food overseas being the BEST thing you've ever eaten after a mission.